Asana Integration

Linking your project with Asana super-charges your productivity by delegating the process of creating new Asana tasks for your feedback - leaving you with more time to focus on the problem itself.

Linking Your Asana Account


Make sure you have an Asana account. You'll also want to have an Asana workspace, team, and project ready to receive tasks from Tether.

Linking Instructions

  1. Visit your Tether project's settings page by clicking the gear icon from the sidebar of your project's dashboard.

  2. In the "Integrations" section, click the "Link Asana" button.

  3. Login to your Asana account when prompted.

  4. When asked to allow Tether access to your Asana account, click "Yes". (Note: Tether has limited access to your account information, and is only used to create new tasks for the project you've specified)

  5. Once you're redirected back to project settings, use the dropdown to specify the workspace, team, and project you want to link to.

  6. Verify everything is setup correctly by clicking the "Create Test Task" button, and ensuring a new task was created in the Asana project you specified.

  7. You are now fully linked to your Asana account, and are ready to receive feedback! One last thing though! Be sure the "Automatically forward to Asana" checkbox is checked if you'd like Asana tasks to be created for feedback as soon as it's received.